Saturday, October 19, 2024
Ignite the mind.

Author: admin

Prof. Ndifon, Dean, suspended by Unical authority following female students speaking out against sexual harrasment and intimidation

The need to have a sexual/harrasment register for lecturers or persons who work within the academia who enable the abuse of the rights of women and girls across secondary and tertiary institutions in Nigeria has become imperative in line with the VAPP Act (Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act) with a clear mandate given to NAPTIP (National Agency Trafficking of Persons) coming on the heels of the investigation into Prof. Cyril Ndifon.

While the University of Calabar management has proactively addressed the allegations of sexual harassment issue, it should be noted that, although Prof. Cyril Ndifon was suspended over the same issue in 2015 and reinstated, it begs the question of whether due diligence was carried out in the first instance based on rigorous anti-harrassment policies and protocols, or if it was a case of miscarriage of justice against the female students who spoke up against the violation of their human rights.

It should also be noted that two academic staff from the University of Abuja were recently dismissed due to sexual misconduct.

Sexual harassment and sexual gender violence is fast becoming endemic in institutions across Nigeria.

But what do you think can be done to discourage sexual misconduct on campuses as we read further on the decision taken by the authorities of University of Calabar against Prof. Ndifon?

By admin , in Ignite Inside stories LightRay TV , at August 18, 2023

Kalu Champions Participatory Governance and Citizens inclusion as an agenda for the 10th Assembly

In ancient Nigeria, Palaver was the term used to describe long meetings with all stakeholders across communities and regions where matters of security, economy, values, and jurisprudence concerning all residents and indigines were addressed publicly. The poor and the rich both had a say – everyone’s voice mattered. Today, such gatherings are politically and socio-economically refered to as townhall meetings. Deputy Speaker Benjamin Kalu is in line with our editorial thrust at LightRay Media to #BrinkBackTownhallMeetings in this report.

By admin , in Ignite Inside stories iThink! , at August 16, 2023

Enhancing the safety and protection of journalists against police brutality and govt officials – the need for strategic litigation

In Nigeria, abuse and disrespect for journalists by officials of government and agencies are common place even though the Nigeria Constitution describes the role of the media and journalists at the realm of the 4th Estate having the same legislative powers and significance as the judiciary, legislative and executive.

At LightRay Media, we are championining the need to have a legal framework and clearly defined policies that protects the lives and properties of journalists against the impunity of government officials, which has finally come to a head.

Journalists who are frontliners and first respondents amplify the voices of victims and survivors of police brutality and abusesof office by many a government official against citizens, hence they must be giving their the respect and pride of place as enshrined in the Constitution of the Federal Rublic of Nigeria.

The onus is now on the Nigeria National Assembly to review the Constitution on the safety and protection of journalists.

By admin , in Ignite Inside stories iThink! , at August 16, 2023

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