Monday, March 10, 2025
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Conflict in the Sahel: Understanding the Complexity

. . . And why the Sahel needs post restoration strategies and effective policy frameworks.

A recent panel discussion at the CJID Conference shed light on the intricate issues surrounding the conflicts in the Sahel region. Moderated by Amaka Okoye, the discussion brought together four panelists who shared their expertise and experiences on the matter.

Human Cost of Insurgency

Hawa, a panelist and a news editor emphasized the devastating human cost of insurgency in Nigeria, where 330,000 people have lost their lives. “We must not dehumanize them; they are not just statistics,” the editor stressed. The panelists highlighted the need for accountability and the importance of understanding the institutional failures that have led to this destruction.

Addressing the Root Causes

Paul, one of the panelists noted that the approach to understanding the drivers of insurgency has been too narrow, focusing on silo perspectives without considering transnational perspectives and dynamic approaches. The panelist emphasized the need to address the root causes of insurgency, including climate change, livelihood, and economic factors.

Human Rights Framework

Saratu, who works with victims of conflict, emphasized the importance of having a human rights framework embedded in military operations. This framework helps guide the military in developing rules of engagement that prioritize civilian protection and minimize harm. Saratu also highlighted the need for reminders and training to help military personnel understand and respect human rights.

Media Perception and Sensational Reporting

Hawa discussed the issue of media perception and sensational reporting. Hawa noted that non-state actors often use civilians as human shields, and that the military has also been guilty of this in some cases. This has led to distrust between the army and communities, particularly in areas like Borno, which has been heavily militarized.

Way Forward

The panelists emphasized the need for a multifaceted approach to address the conflicts in the Sahel region. This includes rebuilding social cohesion, supporting post-conflict police reform, and promoting economic development. The panelists also highlighted the importance of international cooperation and support in addressing the root causes of insurgency and promoting sustainable peace in the region.

In conclusion, the panel discussion highlighted the complexity of the conflicts in the Sahel region and the need for a comprehensive approach to address the root causes of insurgency. The discussion also emphasized the importance of protecting human rights, promoting media responsibility, and supporting sustainable development in the region.



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