Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Ignite the mind.

Enhancing the safety and protection of journalists against police brutality and govt officials – the need for strategic litigation

In Nigeria, abuse and disrespect for journalists by officials of government and agencies are common place even though the Nigeria Constitution describes the role of the media and journalists at the realm of the 4th Estate having the same legislative powers and significance as the judiciary, legislative and executive.

At LightRay Media, we are championining the need to have a legal framework and clearly defined policies that protects the lives and properties of journalists against the impunity of government officials, which has finally come to a head.

Journalists who are frontliners and first respondents amplify the voices of victims and survivors of police brutality and abusesof office by many a government official against citizens, hence they must be giving their the respect and pride of place as enshrined in the Constitution of the Federal Rublic of Nigeria.

The onus is now on the Nigeria National Assembly to review the Constitution on the safety and protection of journalists.

By admin , in Ignite Inside stories iThink! , at August 16, 2023

Grooming and Sexualisation of Children – Broken Girls and Broken Boys (Part 3)

The sexualisation of children is more rampant than ever before. In this report, by Ejiro Umukoro, a follow-up to her Pulitzer Centre Outbreak series, we trace back how the lockdown of 2020 recorded a spike in the surge of grooming and sexualisation of children.

While April 11 is marked every year as the day to protect the child, in 2023 however, child porn, sexual grooming and sexualisation of children continues to persist. This investigatve report uncovers the root causes, triggers, enabling factors and solutions to meeting the deadline for the prevention and stoppage of child abuses of all forms as mandated by the UNDP SDG goals on gender equality, peace, justice, and strong institutions.

By LightRay Media , in Ignite Inside stories iThink! , at August 14, 2023

Int’l Youth Day: Nigeria is blessed with talented, skillful, hardworking youth – Speaker Abass

As the world marks International Youth Day, Nigeria is among the top three countries with the highest number of yourhful population. Speaker Abbas, of the House of Representatives on this occasion, highlights the need to create enabling environments that will tap into over 70 million youth in Nigeria for a richer block of wealth through skills and talent development to close the job gaps.

By LightRay Media , in Ignite Inside stories iThink! , at August 13, 2023

CJID Hosts First West Africa Journalism Innovation Conference

Editorial Thrust by Lady Ejiro Umukoro.

As audiences evolve and adapt to what, why, and how they consume news, this raises the bar for journalists on the need to adopt a new style of reportage: constructive journalism. Research shows people want fresh social stories. Not only gloom and doom.

As such, the lingering emotions a reader should have after reading a news article or investigative report should not be pity. They are not victims but people with complicated lives.

This therefore requires that journalists amd media owners constantly seek stories about hero’s, survival, a vigilante who came to the rescue, what state authorities are doing to prevent reoccurrence, survival mechanism adopted, how they are rehabilitating themselves, and much more. Readers want to consume stories like these, too.*

While 92% of men and 8% of women are reported on by journalists and the media, yet more than 40% of those affected as victims, persons displaced, etc., are women.

This implies there aren’t a lot of women reporting on conflicts as it is often seen, assumed, or considered not safe and easy for women. Editors, thus, influence how voices of women are reported by when they prevent female journalists from covering these. Conservatism in the newsroom is now a barrier on open mindedness that needs to be removed.

It has now become imperative, therefore, that the media and journalists alike must become deliberate and intentional in including women voices in report for equal representation.

By admin , in Ignite iThink! , at August 10, 2023

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