Friday, October 18, 2024
Ignite the mind.

Nigeria National Assembly: Plenary, House of Reps, Thurs, Oct 17th, 2024

The Speaker of the House, Rt. Hon. Abbas Tajudeen presided.

After the recitation of the First stanza of the National Anthem, the National Pledge and opening prayer, the Speaker approved the votes and proceedings of Wednesday, October 16th, 2024


  1. Hon. Matthew Nwobo laid a petition on behalf of some complainants on alleged gross marginalization of people living within their community as well as other stakeholders in relation to access to public facilities.
  2. Hon. George Ozodinobi laid a petition on behalf of a complainant against the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Ministry allegedly wrongfully expunging his name from the list of nominated Ambassadors on the basis of a matter that has not yet been resolved.
  3. Hon. Austin Achado laid a petition on behalf of a complainant against a company in Benue state for alleged unlawful termination of employment.
  4. Hon. Useni Mohammed laid a petition on behalf of a complainant against a Healthcare center on alleged unjust treatment, abuse of office and exclusion from her legitimate entitlements.

All petitions were referred to the House Committee on Public Petitions


  1. Hon. David Agada moved a motion on the need to intervene in the security and flood disaster of some communities in Benue state and it was seconded by Hon. Jafaru Yakubu. Hon. Agada in leading the debate stressed the need for the provision of additional security in the communities as he had earlier moved a similar motion with no adequate compliance to the resolution of the House by security agencies. He stated that the dispute that started as case of a land tussle has continued to claim the lives of individuals from both sides of the warring communities. Hon. Agada called on the security agencies to comply with the earlier resolution of the House to provide additional security to the area and that the National Boundary Commission should also comply with the earlier resolution to clearly demarcate the boundary. He also stated that victims of the flood are stranded, displaced and homeless and are vulnerable to the elements. Hon. Agada called on the National Emergency Management Agency to ensure relief is provided to the victims. He further called on the security agencies to ensure proper deployment of more personnel to the area and that the National Boundary Commission should also clearly demarcate the boundary to ensure the clashes cease, that peace is sustained and safety of the warring parties; assured. The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the House Committee on National Emergency and Disaster Preparedness as well as that on Special Duties.
  2. Hon. Terseer Ugbor moved a motion on the need to address the devastating effects of massive flooding of farm lands and destruction of Federal roads and it was seconded by Hon. Wale Ahmed. Hon. Ugbor in leading the debate stated that the devastation has claimed many lives and has cut off the route to other states as well as to neighboring Cameroun. He stated that the dilapidated parts of the road has become a death trap for travelers and spots for criminals to attack commuters. Hon. Ugbor called on the Federal Ministry of Work as well as the Federal Road Maintenance Agency (FERMA) to rehabilitate the affected portions of the affected roads. He further called on the House Committee on Works as well as that on FERMA to ensure compliance. The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the House Committee on Works as well as that on FERMA.


  1. Membership of the Ad-Hoc Committee to carry out the resolution of the House on the motion moved by Hon. Mohammed Jalo on Wednesday, October 16th, 2024 on the need to complete the rehabilitation of the Abuja- Kaduna-Kano road was announced, and it is to be Chaired by Hon. Aminu Jaji. Hon. Abubakar Yalleman during the debate had called for the constitution of an Ad-Hoc Committee to ensure the speedy and direct dispensation of action.


  1. A Bill for an Act to Alter the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended) to Create a new State in the South-South Region of Nigeria known as Ogoja State and for Related Matters (HB.1555) (Hon. Godwin Offiono & 3 others) – Second Reading.

Hon. Godwin Offiano moved for the second reading of the Bill and it was seconded by Hon. Blessing Amadi. Hon. Offiano in leading the debate stated that the Bill aims to promote equity among all regions of the nation. The Bill was voted on, approved for second reading and referred to the special House Committee on the Review of the Constitution.

  1. A Bill for an Act to Establish National Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food Safety Research Ulonna North, Isuikwuato, Abia State and for Related Matters (HB. 1380) (Hon. Amobi Godwin Ogah and Three Others) – Second Reading.

Hon. Amobi Ogah moved for the second reading of the Bill and it was seconded by Hon. Ifeanyi Uzokwe. The Bill was voted on, approved for second reading and referred to the House Committee on Agricultural Colleges and Institutions.

  1. A Bill for an Act to make Mandatory Procurement (First Option) of Locally made Products, Goods and Services by Government, Ministries, Departments and Agencies, make it Mandatory for Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies to give priority to Local Manufacturers and Indigenous Companies in the Procurement of Goods, Works and Services , Prohibit the exclusion of Locally produced good in the Procurement process, Repeal the Local Content Act of 2010 and Enact a Bill to make it mandatory for Ministries, Departments and Agencies to give priority to Local Manufacturer and Indigenous Companies in the Procurement of Goods and Services and Prohibit the Exclusion of Locally Produced Goods in the Procurement Process and for Related Matters (HBs. 85, 1007 and 1330) (Hon. Obi Aguocha, Hon. Nnamdi Ezechi and Hon. Jesse Okey – Joe Onuakalusi) – Second Reading.

Hon. Obi Aguocha moved for the second reading of the Bill and it was second reading of the Bill and it was seconded by Hon. Nnamdi Ezechi. The Bill was voted on, approved for second reading and referred to the House Committee on Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring.

  1. A Bill for an Act to Establish Jury Trial and Services for special Crimes, Corruption and other Offences and the Administration of Jury Trials Criminal Justice in the Federal High Court and FCT High Court Division and for Related Matters (HB. 293) (Hon. Paschal Agbodike) – Second Reading.

Second reading of the Bill stepped down by leave of the House.


  1. Outstanding Bill from Preceding Assembly: Hon. Francis Waive:
    Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Alteration) (Independent Candidates).Bill, 2024 (HB1630)

The House:
Notes that the Constitution Alteration Bill, 2024, (HB1630), seeks to alter the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended) to provide for independent candidacy;

Also notes that the Bill was duly passed by the preceding Assembly but was not assented to;

Aware that Order Twelve, Rule 17 of the House of Representatives Standing Orders permits the reconsideration of outstanding Bills from the Preceding Assembly and provides that:

(a) the Bill may upon being re-gazetted and circulated, reconsider in the Committee of the Whole, without commencing de novo, the Bills –
(b) whose report was presented by the Committee before consideration;
(c) passed by the House and forwarded to the Senate for concurrence, for which no concurrence was
made or negative;
(d) passed by the Senate and forwarded to the House for which no concurrence was made or negative;
(e) passed by the preceding Assembly and forwarded to the President for assent, but for which assent
or withholding thereof was not communicated before the end of the tenure of the preceding Assembly.

Also aware that Order One, Rule 1(2) empowers the House to regulate its procedure by resolution in circumstances not expressly covered;

Cognizant of the importance and constitutional implications of the Bill, and based on the combined effect of Order Twelve, Rule 17 and Order One, Rule 1(2), recommit Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Alteration) Bill, (Independent Candidates) 2024 (HB1630) to the Committee on Constitution Review;
Resolves to:
recommit the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Sixth Alteration) Bill, 2024 (HB.1630) to the Committee on Constitution Review for comprehensive consideration and further legislative action.

Hon. Bello Ambarura moved the motion on Outstanding Bill from Preceding Assembly Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Alteration) (Independent Candidates).Bill, 2024 (HB1630) and it was seconded by Hon. Akin Rotimi. The motion was voted on, adopted and recommitted to the special House Committee on the Review of the Constitution.

  1. Need to Construct Embankment Around Askunne Bridge, Talata Mafara, Zamfara State:

Hon. Isa Mohammed Anka:
The House:
Notes that the Askunne Bridge is an important transportation link in Talata Mafara Local Government Area of Zamfara State connecting communities and facilitating economic activities in neighboring states of Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Sokoto, Kebbi, etc.;

Also notes that the bridge consistently experiences flooding during rainy seasons, disrupting traffic and posing safety risks to commuters with the most recent flooding occurring during this year’s rainy season;

Aware of the need to rehabilitate the road top surface of the bridge and its environs in order to make it smooth, safe and conducive for the road users;

Also aware that the construction of an embankment and ecological safeguards will help control water flow, prevent bridge submersion during heavy rains, and improve infrastructure and connectivity in Talata Mafara, supporting economic and social development in the region;

Cognizant of the need to construct an embankment on the Askunne bridge to prevent further flooding and collapse, ensure the safety of the bridge and the lives of commuters, while also implementing ecological

Resolves to:
(i) urge the Ecological Office of the Federation to conduct a “Needs Assessment” of the affected bridge to ensure its safety from further flooding and potential collapse;
(ii) also urge the Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA) to conduct a “Needs Assessment” of the top surface of the bridge and its environs to ascertain its repair status and take necessary steps to rehabilitate the bridge; and
(iii) mandate the Committees on Ecological Fund and Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA) to ensure proper oversight and follow-up with the Ecological Office of the Federation and FERMA and report within four (4) for further legislative action;
(iv) also mandate the Committee on Legislative Compliance to ensure compliance.

Hon. Isa Anka moved the motion on the need to construct embarkment around Askunne Bridge, Talata Mafara, Zamfara state and it was seconded by Hon. Babajimi Benson. The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the House Committee on Ecological Fund as well as that on Federal Road Maintenance Agency.

  1. Need to Review Budgetary Allocation of the Bureau of Public Procurement: Hon. Unyime Idem:
    The House:
    Notes the need for the attainment of transparency, competitiveness, cost effectiveness, value-for-money and professionalism in the public sector procurement system;

Also notes that the Public Procurement Act 2007 established the Bureau of Public Procurement as the regulatory authority responsible for the monitoring and oversight of public procurement, harmonizing the existing government policies and practices by regulating, setting standards and developing the legal framework and professional capacity for public procurement in Nigeria;

Further notes that the Bureau is empowered to, among other things, oversight over 800 Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), to ensure the implementation of established procurement policies, and due process compliance;

Recognizes the needs to ensure monitoring and surveillance of Federal Government Procurement Procedures and ongoing projects across the six geopolitical zones;

Aware that the budgetary allocation for the Bureau in the Appropriation Act, 2024 is N2, 200, 000,000. 00 (two billion, two hundred million naira) only;

Concerned that the existing funds provided for the Bureau is grossly inadequate to meet the extensive responsibilities of the procurement audits, monitoring and surveillance in the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in the six geopolitical zones of the nation;

Also concerned that given the prevailing trend of procurement corruption in Nigeria, constituting over 70% of corruption in the public sector, there is an increasing need to ensure the implementation of procurement policies, and due process compliance, in line with global best practices;

Cognizant that the increasing rate of procurement corruption in the public sector necessitate urgent measures for effective oversight to ensure value-for-money, transparency, competitiveness and professionalism.

Resolves to:
(i) urge the Federal Government through the Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning to review the
budgetary allocation of the Bureau of Public Procurement in line with current realities in subsequent budget estimates to enable successful discharge of the Bureau’s core mandate;
(ii) also urge the Bureau of Public Procurement to collaborate with relevant stakeholders, including Ministries, Departments and Agencies, Civil Society Organizations and the National Assembly to enhance the provision of a legal and institutional framework and professional capacity for public procurement in Nigeria for the holistic development of our beloved country;
(iii) mandate the Committees on Public Procurement and Appropriations, to follow-up and ensure upward review of the Bureau’s budgetary allocation in subsequent budget estimates; and
(iv) also mandate the Committee on Public Procurement to conduct a thorough oversight and recommend appropriate measures that will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the Bureau and report within four (4) weeks for further legislative action.

Hon. Unyime Idem moved the motion on the need to review budgetary allocation of the Bureau of Public Procurement and it was seconded by Hon. Olumide Osoba.

Hon. Nnolim Nnaji proposed an amendment to substitute the word “corruption” in paragraph 8 in the body of the motion with the term “irregularities” so as not to sound presumptuous.

Hon. Clement Jimbo also proposed an amendment to prayer 4 to incorporate the House Committee on National Planning and Economic Development to the prayer of the motion.

Hon. Sada Soli pointed out that the House Committee on Public Procurement is already mandated by the House as a Standing Committee to effectively oversight the Bureau of Public Procurement so there is no need for prayer 4 of the motion, hence it should be deleted.

As a direct consequence of deleting prayer 4 of the motion; the amendment by Hon. Clement Jimbo to incorporate the House Committee on National Planning and Economic Development to the prayer of the motion was shifted to prayer 3. The motion was voted on, adopted as amended and referred to the House Committee on Public Procurement, Appropriations as well as that on National Planning.

  1. Devastating Flood Menace and Resultant Gully Erosion in Isu/Njaba/Nkwerre/Nwangele Federal Constituency, Imo State:

Hon. Harrison Anozie Nwadike:
The House:

Notes the negative impacts of flooding and gully erosion in Ubah–Isunjaba, Uburu Ekwe, Umunam, Amaju-Amaigbo, Amucha, Okwudor, Umuozu, Umuokwara–Ihebinowerre, Umuezikeukwu and other locations in Isu/Njaba/Nkwerre/Nwangele Federal Constituency, Imo State;

Aware that erosion erosion has led to the loss of fertile top soil, affecting farmers’ livelihoods and resulting in decreased agricultural productivity;

Worried that the devastating effect of the gully erosion has caused property destruction and compounded the integrity of substructure building, causing residents to evacuate without shelter due to fear of collapse, hence the need for temporary shelters and relief materials;

Also worried that the deteriorating condition of the roads poses severe safety and security risks to commuters often resulting in fatal accidents and increased cases of kidnapping;

Concerned that if remedial action is not taken during this rainy it will may lead to heavy landslide with severe health issues, loss of human lives and negative impact on agricultural productivity;

Convinced that if the menace of this gully erosion is controlled, it shall bring succour and relief to the people of Isu/Njaba/Nkwerre/ Nwangele Federal Constituency, especially families and Communities directly affected by this gully erosion.

Resolves to:
(i) urge the Ecological Funds office and Federal Ministry of Environment to immediately commence remedial work of erosion control and land reclamation in Ubah–Isunjaba, Uburu Ekwe, Okwudor, Umuokwara-Ihebinowerre, Umunam, Amaju–Amaigbo, Amucha, Umuezikeukwu, Umuozu and other locations in Isu/Njaba/ Nkwerre/ Nwangele Federal Constituency of Imo State;
(ii) also urge the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) to provide immediate relief materials to ameliorate the sufferings of the affected people;
(iii) further urge the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) to capture the repair and reconstruction of failed roads in the 2025 budget estimates; and
(iv) mandate the Committees on Environment, Ecological Funds and Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) to ensure compliance.

Hon. Harrison Nwadike moved the motion on devastating flood menace and resultant gully erosion in Isu/Njaba/Nkwerre/Nwangele Federal Constituency, Imo state. The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the House Committee on Environment, Ecological Fund as well as that on Niger Delta Development Commission.

House Adjournment:
The House at 12:34 adjourned plenary to Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024 by 11:00 A.M following a motion for adjournment moved by the Deputy Leader of the House, Hon. Abdullahi Halims and seconded by the Minority Leader, Hon. Kingsley Chinda.

Courtesy: LightRay! Media and Media Unit, Office of the Speaker, House of Representatives.


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