Friday, October 18, 2024
Ignite the mind.

Nigeria National Assembly: Plenary House of Reps, Wednesday, October 16th, 2024

The Speaker of the House, Rt. Hon. Abbas Tajudeen presided.

After the recitation of the First stanza of the National Anthem, the National Pledge and opening prayer, the Speaker approved the votes and proceedings of Tuesday, October 15th, 2024.


  1. Hon. Ime Okon laid a petition on behalf of a complainant against the Nigeria Police on alleged wrongful dismissal.
  2. Hon. Whingan Oluseun laid a petition on behalf of a complainant calling for the reduction or scrapping of multiple road blocks that are allegedly being used by security agents for extorting commuters.

Both petitions were referred to the House Committee on Public Petitions.


  1. Hon. Mohammed Jalo moved a motion on the need to complete the Abuja-Kaduna-Kano road in order to comply with the directive of the Federal Executive Council and it was seconded by Hon. Nnamdi Ezechi. Hon. Jalo in leading the debate stated that the road is a vital one and has been approved for rehabilitation since 2018. He queried the refusal to complete the rehabilitation of the affected parts which has allowed bandits use such spots to cause mayhem to travelers. He stressed the need for the timely completion of the rehabilitation as this will greatly improve the peace and safety of travelers. Hon. Jalo called on the Ministry of Works to speedily ensure the completion of the rehabilitation and that the House Committee on Works as well as that of The Federal Road Maintenance Agency to ensure compliance.

He further called on the House Committee on Appropriations to ensure financial provision for the purpose and that the Honorable Minister of Works be made to address the Honorable House on the reason behind the delay in carrying out the directive of the Federal Executive Council on the rehabilitation of the road.

Hon. Abubakar Yalleman proposed an amendment to set up an Ad-Hoc Committee to ensure the speedy and direct dispensation of action. The motion was voted on, adopted as amended and referred to a soon to be constituted Ad-Hoc Committee.

  1. Hon. Yusuf Gagdi moved a motion on the urgent need to address the harrowing effects of the destruction of a bridge that was submerged due to territorial and perennial rainfall and it was seconded by Hon. Yusuf Saidu. Hon. Gagdi in leading the debate stated that the rains also washed away vast farmlands, while severing various communities within and outside Plateau state. He stressed the need for the Federal Government to ensure reconnection of these communities and ensure the restoration of the supply of essential services. He called on the National Emergency Management Agency to provide relief to the affected people and that the Federal Road Maintenance Agency (FERMA) should ensure the reconnection of the communities. The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the House Committee on National Emergency and Disaster Preparedness as well as that on FERMA.
  2. Hon. Clement Jimbo moved a motion on the need to mandate the Executive Arm of Government to make budget estimates available to the National Assembly not later than 4 months before the commencement of the next financial year and it was seconded by Hon. Paul Ekpo. Hon. Jimbo in leading the debate stated that the motion aims to ensure compliance to the Fiscal Responsibility Act by ensuring proper budget preparation, presentation, deference, appropriation and implementation for good governance. He expressed worry at the shortening of the time needed for the National Assembly to critically scrutinize such budget estimates of government ministries, departments and agencies. Hon. Jimbo called on the Executive to ensure the budget estimates are submitted without further delay and that the relevant Committees of the House should ensure compliance.

Hon. Billy Osawaru made an observation that shortening the timeframe for proper scrutiny of budget estimates is detrimental to the budget process as it will be seen as if the National Assembly is slowing down the budget process. He stressed that the National Assembly ordinarily should have between 3 or 4 months allotted to it in order to properly do its job, so as not to pass frivolous figures and projects.

Hon. Kingsley Chinda praised the spirit of the motion as the National Assembly was rushed into concluding the last budget exercise. He stated that this should no more be practiced in order to ensure a proper financial statement is produced at the end of the exercise. Hon. Chinda wondered why the Midium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) is not before Parliament by now. He urged Honourable Members to support the adoption of the motion.

Hon. Solomon Bob praised the timeliness of the motion as he had already been worried at the lateness in the presentation of the budget by the President before the joint sitting of Parliament. He stressed the need for the early presentation of the budget estimates so that Parliament can properly ensure the activities of the MDAs of Government are properly scrutinized, considering the importance of the budget process. The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the House Committees on National Planning and Economic Development, Finance as well as that on Appropriations and they are to report back to the House in 2 weeks.

  1. Hon. Inuwa Garba moved a motion on the urgent need for Federal Government intervention to provide relief for victims of devastation of rainfall in some communities in Gombe state and it was seconded by Hon. Usman Kumo. Hon. Garba in leading the debate called on the Federal Government to come to the aid of the victims as they have lost homes, farmlands, shops and other valuables and are in urgent need of humanitarian aid. This he stated is to return a sense of normalcy to the communities. Hon. Garba called on the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, that on Poverty Alleviation, the Northeast Development Commission, HYPERDEC and the National Emergency Management Agency to speedily provide relief materials and other amenities to ensure the speedy rebuilding of the lives and homes of the victims. He called on the House Committee on Legislative Compliance to ensure compliance. The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the House Committees on Northeast Development Commission, HYPERDEC as well that on NEMA.
  2. Hon. Bello Ambarura moved a motion on urgent need for the Federal Government to effect the release of relief materials for victims of a flood disaster in some communities in Sokoto state. Hon. Ambarura in leading the debate stated that the effect of the devastation of the flood is almost total, affecting almost every community in Sokoto state. He commended the efforts of the State Government in dealing with the effects, but stressed that the State Government is overwhelmed. Hon. Ambarura called on the Federal Government to come to the aid of the victims by providing relief materials through the National Emergency Management Agency and that the House Committees on Disaster Preparedness and Legislative Compliance should ensure compliance. The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the House Committee on National Emergency Management Agency as well as that on Disaster Preparedness.
  3. Hon. Kingsley Chinda moved a motion on the need to suspend the increase of the pump price of petroleum products nationwide and it was seconded by Hon. Patrick Umoh. Hon. Aliyu Madaki in leading the debate stressed that the dependence of Nigerians on PMS and cooking gas has ensured more untold hardship on Nigerians as a result of the increase of the price of the commodities and people are grappling under its effects. He acknowledged the steps of the government to cushion the effect by the provision of the CNG powered vehicles and the opening of refineries. The effects he however stated; have not begun to be felt by Nigerians.

Hon. Sani Madaki called for the suspension of the price increase as well as the introduction of tax relief and other social safety nets for vulnerable Nigerians. He called on the Central Bank of Nigeria to implement economic policies that will ensure better financial assistance to Nigerians, that the Federal Government should explore better scenarios for diversifying wealth creation processes nationwide and that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Limited should explore avenues to reduce Nigeria’s over reliance on petroleum products.

Hon. Sada Soli stated that the House had already established a joint Committee with the Senate to look into the concerns raised in the body of the motion.

Hon. Ali Isa in contributing to the debate stressed the resultant increase in the prices of goods and services nationwide as a result of the increase of petroleum prices. He commended the unity of Honourable Members cutting across political, religious and ethnic lines to ensure government lives up to its responsibility of providing for the good of those being governed. Hon. Isa called on government to ensure Nigerians can live and thrive in Nigeria.

Hon. Olumide Osoba while praising the spirit of the motion, called on Members to allow the joint Committee conclude its assignment and report back to the House.

Hon. Yusuf Gagdi also while praising the spirit of the motion, called on Members to speak devoid of any political sentiments as the deregulation of the oil sector which the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) ensures is what is being felt. He called for understanding as this will surely establish a more stabilized oil sector. Hon. Gagdi also called on the Federal Government to ensure Nigerians do not suffer beyond societal and economic provisions.

Hon. George Ozodinobi in contributing to the debate stated that even the recently improved minimum wage of #70,000 has been rendered almost useless when compared with current transportation costs, Food costs as well as rising costs in every other sector. He called for Nigeria to review its stand in the OPEC policy and explore what will be maximally beneficial to the nation. Hon. Ozodinobi commended Alhaji Aliko Dangote and other such investors in aiming to make the oil sector more favorable and competitive one for Nigerians.

Hon. Patrick Umoh also commended the motion for touching the nerve of all Nigerians. He called on the joint Committee to expedite action on the assignment given to it by the House of Representatives as well as the Senate.

Hon. Kingsley Chinda in exercising his right of reply stated that the motion is as a response to the yearnings of Nigerians and Laws are made for Man and not Man for Laws. While praising the PIA, he stated that the implementation of deregulation should come with less economic burdens on Nigerians and also provide diverse socioeconomic benefits. Hon. Chinda further stated that the motion is being debated by Members of the House and not the Senate and that is why he did not mention the role of the joint Committee.

Hon. Abdussamad Dasuki as a joint mover of the motion proposed an amendment to prayer 6 of the motion calling on the House to refer the motion to the joint Ad-Hoc Committee of the National Assembly on the Oil sector investigation. The motion was voted on, adopted as amended and referred to the joint Committee of the National Assembly on the Oil sector investigation.


  1. Nigeria Sport Arbitration Tribunal (Establishment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1575) (Hon. Akiolu Moshood) – First Reading.
  2. Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Sixth Alteration) Bill, 2024 (HB.1576) (Hon. Akiolu Moshood) – First Reading.
  3. Institute of Chartered Biochemist and Molecular Biologist of Nigeria (Establishment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1164) (Hon. Kinsley O. Chinda and 48 others) – First Reading.
  4. Electoral Act (Amendment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1638) (Hon. Ikeagwuonu Onyinye Ugochinyere) – First Reading.
  5. Electoral Act (Amendment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1639) (Hon. Ikeagwuonu Onyinye Ugochinyere) – First Reading.
  6. Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Sixth Alteration) Bill, 2024 (HB.1641) (Hon. Ikeagwuonu Onyinye Ugochinyere) – First Reading.
  7. Petroleum Industry Act (Amendment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1648) (Hon. Ikeagwuonu Onyinye Ugochinyere) – First Reading.
  8. Federal College of Nursing and Midwifery Ijero Ekiti, Ekiti State (Establisment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1642) (Hon. Omoleye Abiodun Francis) – First Reading.
  9. Federal University of Solid Minerals Resources Development Bukuru Gyel (Establishment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1688) (Hon. Alfred Ajang Iliya) – First Reading.
  10. Federal University of Nursing and Midwifery, Fobour (Establishment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1689) (Hon. Alfred Ajang Iliya) – First Reading.
  11. Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Sixth Alteration) Bill, 2024 (HB.1696) (Hon. Mansur Manu Soro and one other) – First Reading.
  12. Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Sixth Alteration) Bill, 2024 (HB.1698) (Hon. Mansur Manu Soro) – First Reading.
  13. Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Sixth Alteration) Bill, 2024 (HB.1699) (Hon. Mansur Manu Soro) – First Reading.
  14. Federal Polytechnics Act (Amendment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1815) (Hon. Mohammed Saidu Baragaja) – First Reading.
  15. National Broadcasting Commission Act (Amendment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1816) (Hon. Uniyime Idem) – First Reading.
  16. Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Sixth Alteration) Bill, 2024 (HB.1817) (Hon. Igariway Iduma Enwo) – First Reading.
  17. Federal Medical Centres Act (Amendment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1818) (Hon. Mohammed Saidu Baragaja) – First Reading.
  18. Digital Rights and Freedom Bill, 2024 (HB.1739) (Hon. Chris Nkwonta) – First Reading.
  19. Sea Fisheries Act (Amendment) Bill, 2024 (HB. 1740) (Hon. Chris Nkwonta) – First Reading.
  20. Federal University of Medical and Health Sciences, Omerelu, River State (Establishment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1741) (Hon. Blessing Chigeru Amadi)
    – First Reading.


  1. Committee on Police Affairs:

Hon. Abubakar Makki Yalleman:

“That the House do receive the Report of the Committee on Police Affairs on a Bill for an Act to Amend the Nigeria Police Act, 2020 to Review the Service Years of Police Personnel, improve the experience and expertise of the Police Workforce, retain experienced Personnel and reduce the Cost of Training and Recruiting new Officers, improve the Morale Performance and Job satisfaction, and Address the shortage of Experienced Police Personnel and for Related Matters (HB. 1461)” (Referred: 21/5/20223).

The report was laid following a motion by Hon. Abubakar Yalleman and seconded by Hon. Miriam Onuoha.


  1. A Bill for an Act to Amend the Federal Medical Centers Act to Establish Federal Medical Centre, Usung Atiat, Ukanafun LGA, Akwa Ibom State and for Related Matters (HB.957 ) –Third Reading.

Hon. Abdullahi Halims moved for the third reading of the Bill and it was seconded by Hon. Kingsley Chinda. The Bill was voted on, read for the third time and passed.

  1. A Bill for an Act to Establish Federal University of Agriculture, Ute Ukpu to make Comprehensive Provisions for its Due Management and Administration and for Related Matters (HB.105) – Third Reading.

Hon. Abdullahi Halims moved for the third reading of the Bill and it was seconded by Hon. Kingsley Chinda. The Bill was voted on, read for the third time and passed.

  1. A Bill for an Act to Establish Federal College of Agriculture, Agila, Benue State, to provide full-time courses of Agriculture, Teaching, Instruction and Training in the Sciences, Social Sciences, Commerce, Arts, Applied Sciences, Management and Humanities; and carry out research, innovation, development and adaptation of teaching techniques, and for Related Matters, 2024 (HB. 11) – Third Reading.

Hon. Abdullahi Halims moved for the third reading of the Bill and it was seconded by Hon. Kingsley Chinda. The Bill was voted on, read for the third time and passed.

  1. A Bill for An Act to Amend the Federal Universities of Agriculture Act, Cap. F22, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 to establish the Federal University of Agriculture, Fiditi – Oyo, Oyo State; and for Related Matters (HB. 1269) – Third Reading.

Hon. Abdullahi Halims moved for the third reading of the Bill and it was seconded by Hon. Kingsley Chinda. The Bill was voted on, read for the third time and passed.

  1. A Bill for an Act to provide for Establishment of Federal University of Technology, Ilaro to make Comprehensive Provisions for its Due Management and Administration and for Related Matters (SB. 345) (Leader) – Second Reading.

Hon. Abdullahi Halims moved for the second reading of the Bill and it was seconded by Hon. Kingsley Chinda. The Bill was voted on, approved for second reading and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

  1. A Bill for an Act to Upgrade the College of Health Sciences and Technology Tsafe, Zamfara State to Provide Full-Time Courses in Health Sciences and Technology and Other Fields of Studies and to produce high quality Medical Professionals with broad knowledge, skills and value, to strengthen institutional capacity for Disease Control and Surveillance as well as bridging the gap in Medical Research and to make provision for the General Administration of the University and for Related Matters (SB. 161) (Leader) – Second Reading.

Hon. Abdullahi Halims moved for the second reading of the Bill and it was seconded by Hon. Kingsley Chinda. Hon. The Bill was voted on, approved for second reading and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

  1. A Bill for an Act to Amend the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria Act, Cap. A 12, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 to make Provision for Establishment of Federal College of Agriculture, Kagarko, Kaduna State and for Related Matters (HB. 1368) (Hon. Gabriel Saleh Zock) – Second Reading.

Hon. Gabriel Zock moved for the second reading of the Bill and it was seconded by Hon. Yusuf. The Bill was voted on, approved for second reading and referred to the House Committee on Agricultural Colleges and Institutions.

  1. A Bill for an Act to Provide for Establishment of the National Institute for Film and Media Technology Ukawu, Ebonyi State and for Related Matters (HB.1755) (Hon. Kama Nkemkanma) – Second Reading.

Hon. Kama Nkemkanma moved for the second reading of the Bill and it was seconded by Hon. Lilian Orogbu. The Bill was voted on, approved for second reading and referred to the House Committee on Information and National Orientation as well as that on Ethics and Values.


  1. Outstanding Bills from Preceding Assembly:

Hon. Francis E. Waive:

(i) Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment in Tertiary Institutions Bill, 2024(HB.1598);
(ii) Federal University of Health Sciences and Technology, Kankia, Katsina State (Establishment) Bill, 2024(HB.1582);
(iii) Federal Medical Centres Act (Amendment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1386);
(iv) Nigerian Health Infrastructure Development Bank (Establishment) Bill, 2023 (HB.816); and
(v) Nigeria Police Force College, Training School and Institution (Establishment, Etc.) Bill, 2023 (HB.1794).
The House:
Notes that pursuant to Order Twelve, Rule 17 of the Standing Orders, the House may, upon being re-gazetted or circulated, reconsider in the Committee of the Whole, without commencing de-novo, the Bill(s)–
(a) whose report was presented by the Committee before consideration;
(b) passed by the House and forwarded to the Senate for concurrence for which no concurrence was made or negative;
(c) passed by the Senate and forwarded to the House for which no concurrence was made or negative; or;
(d) passed by the preceding Assembly and forwarded to the President for assent but for which assent or withholding therefore was not communicated before the end of the tenure of the preceding Assembly.

Also notes that the aforementioned Bills were passed by the preceding Assembly and forwarded to the President for assent but for which assent or withholding thereof was not communicated before the end of the tenure of the last Assembly;
Aware that the Bills were read for the first time as HBs. 1598, 1582, 1386 and 816 respectively;

Resolves to:
Re-commit the Bills to the Committee of the Whole for consideration.

Hon. Francis Waive moved the motion on Outstanding Bills from Preceding Assembly and it was seconded by Hon. Bello Ambarura. The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

  1. Need to Investigate NNPC Exploration and Production Limited (NEPL)’s Refusal to Remit the Statutory 3% Actual Annual Operating Expenditure to Afam Host Community Development Trust Fund:

Hon. Felix Uche Nwaeke:

The House:

Notes that Section 240 (1) and (2) of the Petroleum Industry Act 2021, establishes a Host Communities Development Trust Fund and each Settlor or Operator is to make an annual contribution of an amount equaling 3% of its actual operating expenditure to the Host Communities Development Trust fund;

Also notes that the NNPC Exploration and Production Limited operating within the Afam Oil Field OML 11 has neglected, refused and ignored to make any remittance to the Afam Host Community Development Trust Fund;

Further notes that the refusal and neglect is a contravention of the Petroleum Industry Act, 2021 which is a product of the National Assembly and a Law of the Federal Republic of Nigeria;

Worried that the continued neglect and refusal to remit the Statutory percentage by the NNPC Exploration and Production Limited is capable of breaching peace, hinder oil and Gas exploration activities and negatively impact on the nation’s commonwealth and Revenue;

Resolves to:

mandate the Committee on Host Communities to Investigate NNPC Exploration and Production Limited (NEPL)’s refusal to comply with the provisions of Section 240 (2) of the Petroleum Industry Act as it relates to Afam Community and report within four (4) weeks for further legislative action.

Hon. Felix Nwaeke moved the motion on the need to investigate NNPC Exploration and Production Limited (NEPL)’s refusal to remit the statutory 3% actual annual operating expenditure to Afam Host community Development Trust Fund and it was seconded by Hon. Mustapha Tijani.

Hon. Sesoo Ikpagher proposed an amendment to incorporate the House Committee on Petroleum Resources (Upstream) to the prayer of the motion. The motion was voted on, adopted as amended and referred to the House Committee on Host Communities as well as that on Petroleum Resources (Upstream).

  1. Need to Address Erosion Threat to Old Sapele/Agbor Road at Obinomba, Umukwata Kingdom, Ukwuani Local Government Area, Delta State:

Hon. Nnamdi Ezechi:

The House:

Notes that the Old Sapele/Agbor Road at the Obinomba and Umukwata Kingdom sections in Ukwuani Local Government Area of Delta State serves as a critical route for transportation, connecting communities and promoting economic activities within the area;

Also notes that the road, which was tarred to facilitate vehicular movement, is severely threatened by erosion, which has almost destroyed significant portions of the road, making it dangerous for road users and posing serious risks to nearby properties and buildings;

Cognizant that if the menace of the erosion threat is not addressed, it will not only destroy roads but also threaten the lives, and properties of residents in the surrounding communities, thus exacerbating an already precarious situation;

Worried that the continued deterioration of the Old Sapele/Agbor Road will disrupt economic activities, hinder access to markets, schools, and healthcare facilities, and significantly increase the hardship faced by residents who depend on this road for daily movement;

Resolves to:
(i) urge the Federal Ministry of Works and the Federal Roads Maintenance Agency ( FERMA) to immediately conduct a technical assessment of the erosion situation along the Old Sapele/Agbor Road at Obinomba and Umukwata Kingdom sections to prevent further damage to the road; and

(ii) mandate the Committees on Works and FERMA to liaise with the Federal Ministry of Works and the Federal Road Maintenance Agency to make adequate provision for the erosion control and rehabilitation of Obinomba and Umukwata sections of the Old Sapele/Agbor Road in the 2025 budget estimates.

Hon. Nnamdi Ezechi moved the motion on the urgent need to address erosion threat to Old Sapele/Agbor road at Obinomba, Umukwata Kingdom, Ukwuani local government area, Delta state and it was seconded by Hon. Aliyu Misau. The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the House Committee on Works as well as that on Federal Road Maintenance Agency.

  1. Call on Airline Operators to Compensate Passengers for Flight Cancelations and Delays:

Hon. Chinedu Emeka Martins:

The House:

Notes the frequency and severity of flight delays in the aviation sector in Nigeria, which are causing disruption and distress to air travellers;

Concerned about the statistics published by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), which indicate a persistently high level of delays and cancellations at Nigerian airports. NCAA’s latest report, published in July 2023, revealed that 55% of 18,288 domestic flights were delayed or cancelled between January and March 2023, a previous report from the same source, published in July 2022, showed that 64% of 17,137 domestic flights were delayed or cancelled between April and June 2022;

Worried that the continuous delays and cancellations can result in extra transportation expenses, missed appointments, lost revenue, and eventually give passengers emotional stress and frustration;

Also worried that flight disruptions can disproportionately affect persons with disabilities, elderly, and those with limited financial resources, posing unique challenges such as difficulties in obtaining assistance;

Aware that the aviation industry has been severely impacted by economic conditions, including inflation, supply chain disruptions, and high fuel prices;

Believes that Section 14 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended), requires the government to protect the rights of its citizens, including the right to compensation in the event of a flight delay, and that airlines should be held accountable for any failure to meet this obligation and that passengers should be compensated if a flight is delayed for reasons outside of their control;

Commend the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) for introducing penalties for airlines canceling or delaying flights, however, the penalties are inadequate to address the inconveniences experiences, affected passengers should be compensated to prevent airlines from providing substandard service;

Cognizant of the need for Airlines to make its policies on refunds clear and transparent so that passengers can make an informed choice about their travel arrangements thereby promoting accountability and fairness in the industry;

Resolves to:

(i) urge the Minister of Aviation and Aerospace to enforce refund and compensation for passengers by airline operators in the event of flight delays or cancellation; and

(ii) mandate the Committee on Aviation to ensure compliance.

Hon. Emeka Chinedu moved the motion on the call on Airline operators to compensate passengers for flight delays and cancellations.

Hon. Ahmed Idris pointed out that Section 14 quoted in paragraph 6 is irrelevant to the subject matter of the motion and should be expunged. Hon. Emeka Chinedu in exercising his right of reply clarified that the relevance is sited in Section 14(2b).

Hon. Kelechi Nwogu raised a Point of Order that he had earlier moved a motion with a similar title and similar prayers. In light of this, the motion was stepped down by leave of the House in order to allow the Committee on Aviation which Hon. Nwogu’s motion was also referred to complete its assignment on the subject matter.

House Adjournment:

The House at 13:42 adjourned plenary to Thursday, October 17th, 2024 by 11:00 A.M following a motion for adjournment moved by the Deputy Leader of the House, Hon. Abdullahi Halims and seconded by the Minority Leader, Hon. Kingsley Chinda.

Courtesy: LightRay! Media and Media Unit, Office of the Speaker, House of Representatives.


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