Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Ignite the mind.

Plenary proceedings House of Reps, Tuesday, March 12th, 2024

The Speaker of the House, Rt. Hon. Abbas Tajudeen presided.

After leading the opening prayer and recitation of the national pledge, the Speaker approved the votes and proceedings of Thursday, March 7th, 2024


Communication from President Bola Tinubu on the need for the 2024 statutory budget proposal. This he stated is for the federal government to be able to meet up with recently arising and pressing realities. He expressed assurance at the usual cooperation of the National Assembly as partners in governance.

Membership was added to the special House committee on the Restructuring of Government Agencies due to the fact that the North Central zonal caucus was not well represented.

Membership of the Ad-Hoc committee to audit and provide report of abandoned projects nationwide was announced and it is to be chaired by Hon.Amos Daniel

  1. There will be a Ministerial briefing on the floor of the House on Thursday, March 14th by the Minister of Trade and Industries.


Hon. Abishola Adedayo laid a petition on behalf of a complainant against workers limited on alleged forgery, criminal breach of trust and financial misappropriation.

Hon. Ibe Osonwa laid 2 petitions on behalf of network against corruption and trafficking on alleged breach of public service rules, massive corruption, gross abuse of public office and failure to declare assets

Hon. Billy Osawaru laid a petition on behalf of a complainant against the Military Pensions Board on the alleged denial and refusal of pension arrears and failure to honor summons by the House of Representatives committee on Public Petitions of the 9th Assembly. They seek the intervention of the House to get their dues.

Hon. Sunday Nnamchi laid a petition on behalf of Mr. Anthony against the Nigeria Customs for the unlawful seizure of some kilograms of rice since 1999

Hon. Paschal Abodike laid a petition on behalf of NAC against Earnest Enebeli of Niger Delta Development Commission on alleged cases of corruption, money laundering, gross abuse of public office.

Hon. Victor Abang laid a petition on behalf of Network Against Corruption and Trafficking against a Director in Central Bank for alleged breach of public service rules

Hon. Matthew laid 2 petitions on behalf of Network Against Corruption and Trafficking on alleged abuse of public service rules.

All petitions were referred to the House committee on Public Petitions


Hon. Munir Ahmed moved a motion on the urgent need to tackle the current abduction of over 200 students and teachers and also secure rights and properties in Kaduna state and it was seconded by Hon. Umar Ajilo. Hon. Ahmed in leading the debate stated that the attack is a repeat of such attacks on educational facilities as well as mosques. He expressed concern that despite the huge sums allocated to the Defense agencies, there are still no respite in regards to the safety of Nigerians. He further stressed that despite the Safe School initiative with all its good features, even after a decade it’s impact cannot be felt. He condemned the proliferation of small and light arms and called on all security agencies to fight this with all might. He called on the National Security Adviser to coordinate other security agencies to ensure the return of abducted individuals and coordinate with other neighboring countries to ensure regional security. He further urged the federal government to desist from the envelope system of budget for the military to ensure they can effectively tackle insurgents. Hon. Ahmed then called on the National Security Adviser to ensure the implementation of all relevant security Acts passed by the National Assembly for the good of Nigerians and that the relevant security committees of the House should ensure compliance. The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the House committee on National Security as well as that on Finance.

Hon. Austin Achado moved a motion on the urgent need to address the banditry attack in a community in Wiegh East in Benue state and it was seconded by Hon. Regina Akume. Hon. Austin in leading the debate stated that the need to protect lives and properties cannot be overemphasized. He bemoaned the attack that claimed over 20 lives and many injured. He further expressed sadness that despite several calls to the security agencies during the 3 hours the attacks lasted, there was no response to help the victims. Hon. Austin stated that the lack of response by security agencies has emboldened the bandits to carry out these attacks without fear. He called for the investigation of the failure of the Airforce base as well, as the joint military security task force to respond to the calls of the victims during the attacks. He further called on the federal government to ensure these security apparatus are functioning to defend the citizens and that the National Emergency Management Agency should ensure succor for the victims and that the relevant committees on Defense should ensure compliance. Defense as well as that on Police Affairs

Hon. Paul Haruna moved a motion on the urgent urgent call on the federal government for the salvation of members of communities in Bikina local government in Kogi state on the incessant killing of citizens in the community and it was seconded by Hon. Garba Inwa. Hon. Haruna stated that the development of he region also brought with it crime and criminalities. He bemoaned the dastardly nature of robbery attacks in the region which always claims lives. He called on the federal government to intensify measures to partner with the Kogi state government to bring a lasting solution to the menace. He called for the establishment of an Army base in the region. Hon. Paul further called on the relevant security committees of the House to ensure compliance. The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the House committee on Police Affairs, Army, National Security as well as that on Defense.


Hon.Unyime Idem rose on a point of personal explanation on a motion on last Thursday’s plenary and the resolution of the motion called on some committees to handle the investigation. He stated that the committee on Public Procurement has the purview of such a matter and desired to get a clear view on the issue. The Speaker of the House, Rt. Hon. Abbas Tajudeen stated that the committee on Public Procurement will be the lead committee on the investigation.


  1. Central Bank of Nigeria Act (Amendment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1140) (Hon. Mansur Manu Soro) – First Reading
  2. Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Alteration) Bill, 2024 (HB.1141) (Hon. Mansur Manu Soro) – First Reading
  3. Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Alteration) Bill, 2024 (HB.1142) (Hon. Mansur Manu Soro) – First Reading
  4. Government Promissory Notes Act (Amendment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1143) (Hon. Mansur Manu Soro) – First Reading
  5. Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Alteration) Bill, 2024 (HB.1144) (Hon. Mansur Manu Soro) – First Reading
  6. Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Alteration) Bill, 2024 (HB.1145) (Hon. Mansur Manu Soro) – First Reading
  7. Debt Management Bureau Act (Amendment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1146) (Hon. Mansur Manu Soro) – First Reading.
  8. National Inland waterways Authority Act (Amendment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1181) (Hon. Oluwole Oke) – First Reading.
  9. Nigerian Ports Authority Act (Amendment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1182) (Hon. Oluwole Oke) – First Reading.
  10. Federal University of Agriculture, Oba – Ofemili, Anambra State (Establishment) Bill, 2024 (HB.1257) (Hon. Obiageli Lillian Orogbu) – First Reading.


Committee on National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC):

Hon. Regina Akume:

“That the House do receive the Report of the Committee on National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control on the Need to Suspend the Ban Imposed by the National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control on the Sachet Alcoholic and 200ML Pet Bottles” (HR. 16/02/2024) (Referred: 7/2/2024).

The report was laid following a motion by Hon. Regina Akume and seconded by Hon. Billy Osawaru.



  1. A Bill for an Act to Ensure Proper Control of Usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology in Nigeria and for Related Matters (HB.942) (Hon. Sada Soli)– Second Reading.


Hon. Sada Soli moved for the second reading of the Bill and it was seconded by Hon. Bargaja Mohammed. Hon. Ibrahim Isiaka rose on a Point of Order that he had sponsored a Bill on the same subject matter last year with no progress made on it by the House committee on Rules and Business. He called for the stepping down of the Bill for consolidation. The Bill was stepped down by leave of the House for consolidation and re-presentation.

  1. A Bill for an Act to Amend the Criminal Code Act, Cap. C38, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 to Provide stiffer penalties to selected Sections of the Act and for Related Matters (HB.151) (Hon. Francis Ejiroghene Waive) – Second Reading.


Hon. Francis Waive moved for the second reading of the Bill and it was seconded by Hon. Bello Ambarura. Hon. Waive in leading the debate stated that he had sponsored the Bill in the 9th Assembly and it ended on the committee stage. His passion for the Bill made him bring it back to take care of the growing menace of attempted suicide. He called for counseling in such cases instead of punishment. He hence called for amendment of the Act to ensure help is given to such individuals. The Bill was voted on, approved for second reading and referred to the House committee on Justice.

  1. A Bill for an Act to Establish Nigerian Mining Development Bank (NMDB) to Provide financial support, Promote Investment and Foster Sustainable Development in the Mining Sector of Nigeria and for Related Matters (HB.808) (Hon. Uchenna Harris Okonkwo) – Second Reading.


Hon. Uchenna Okonkwo moved for the second reading of the Bill and it was seconded by Hon. Jafaru Yakubu. Hon. Okonkwo in leading the debate stated that the Bill seeks the establishment of the proposed Bank to promote the mining sector as it should be. He stressed the importance of the mining sector for the development of Nigeria’s socioeconomic space. He stated that the Bill stands on 7 foundations such as ensuring inclusive growth for participants in the mining sector by providing capital, stimulating investment by acting as a conduit of investment, sustainable development and environmental responsibility. Others include collaboration for growth within the sector through research as well as promoting accountability between government and participants. He called on Honorable members to support the Bill for the development of this critical sector of the economy.

Hon. Ahmed Jaha commended the mover of the Bill and its spirit for its aim for the effective diversification of the Nigerian economy. He stated that the bank will aid local participants in mining to compete with foreign investors.

Hon. Gaza Gbwefi also contributed and expressed sadness at the lack of the ability of Nigeria to harness its potentials in solid mineral exploration. He commended the spirit of the Bill for providing a solution to enable local participants in the sector for the development of the Nigerian economy. The Bill was voted on, approved for second reading and referred to the House committee on Solid Mineral Development.

  1. A Bill for an Act to Amend the Federal Medical Centres Act and Establish Federal Medical Centre, Boki Local Government Area, Cross River State and for Related Matters (HB.588) (Hon. Victor Abang) – Second Reading.


Hon. Victor Abang moved for the second reading of the Bill and it was seconded by Hon. Obi. Hon. Victor stated that the Bill seeks the establishment of the proposed medical center to fill the gap of the absence of such a center to improve healthcare access to those in the region. The people in the region he stated have to travel far to access quality healthcare services. The center he stated will also increase health education awareness, better employment and emergency response/disaster management. He urged Honorable members to support the establishment of the center. The Bill was voted on, approved for second reading and referred to the House committee on Health Institutions.


  1. Need to Complete the Construction of Uwa Junction/Urua Edet Obo/Nto Edino Road in Essien Udim and Obot Akara Local Government Areas of Akwa Ibom State:

Hon. Patrick Umoh:

The House:

Notes that the Uwa Junction/Urua Edet Obo/Nto Edino Road is a major road in Akwa Ibom State that run through two local governments of Essien Udim and Obot Akara, connects over 40 communities with several schools and businesses, and leads to Abia State of Nigeria;

Also notes that whereas contract for the construction of the road was awarded sometime in the year 2021 by the Federal Government through the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), the construction of the road has been abandoned owing to poor funding;

Further notes that the abandonment of the construction of the 18kilometres road has affected several communities; upended the livelihood of the people, stalled transportation of goods and services, and derailed smooth access to education by school children; thereby bringing upon the people of the communities untold hardship;

Aware that the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) has proposed a paltry sum of (N50, 000, 000) Fifty Million Naira in the 2024 budget for the construction of the road, which sum is adjudged insufficient given the length, breadth and the kilometres of the road, construction of bridges and installation of streetlights;

Conscious that if the sum proposed for the construction of the road is not reviewed, the people of the communities will continue to be exposed to serious hardship, and the road will remain a death trap;

Worried that the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) is embarking on other projects within the two local governments of Essien Udim and Obot Akara without first completing the road, which has more impact on the people as it traverses many communities;

Concerned that embarking on other projects by the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) without first completing the road will lead to abandonment of many projects;

Resolves to:

(i) urge the Ministry of Niger Delta and the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) to upwardly review the sum budgeted for the construction of the Uwa Junction/ Urua Edet Obo/Nto Edino Road in Essien Udim and Obot Akara Local Government Areas of Akwa Ibom for completion of the road; and

(ii) mandate the Committee on Legislative Compliance to ensure compliance.


Hon. Patrick Umoh moved the motion on the need to complete the construction of Uwa junction/Urua Edet Obo/Nto Edino road in Essien Udim and Obot Akara local government areas of Akwa Ibom state and it was seconded by Hon. Dominic Okafor. The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the House committee on Works as well as that on Legislative Compliance.

  1. Deplorable state of Ulakwo – Imerienwe Umuekwune – Etche and Ulakwo – Umuneke Ngor – Eziama – Igirita, Road Rivers State:

Hon. Mathew Nwogu:

The House:

Notes that the primary function of government is to preserve lives and property as enshrined in section 14 (2) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 1999(as amended);

Also notes that the National Assembly is saddled with the responsibility of making laws for the peace, order and good governance of the Federation or any part thereof as enshrined in Section 4(2) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended);

Worried that the Ulakwo-Imerienwe-Umuekwune-Etche and Ulakwo-Umuneke Ngor-Eziama-lgirita Rivers State Roads, which connect Owerri North and Ngor-Okpala Local Government Areas in Imo State, have been abandoned for over 30 years;

Observes that the two roads which used to take half an hour to ply now take two or more hours have become a hub of criminal activity, with gunmen stealing and kidnapping road users;

Also observes that both perishable and perishable goods are destroyed on the two routes, costing ordinary Nigerians billions of naira due to the ceaseless worsening conditions of the roads;

Disturbed that the road is plagued by potholes and gullies, causing accidents, thus making life in the Local Government Area difficult, uninteresting resulting to economic hardship for locals and making life difficult and uninteresting for inhabitants;

Informed that the long-standing abandonment of the road project is primarily due to the non-disbursement of funds allocated to the consortium by the relevant ministry/agency;

Cognizant that if urgent steps are not taken to construct the roads, the social and economic lives of inhabitants of the affected areas will be completely destroyed;

Resolves to:

(i) urge the Federal Ministry of Works, Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA) the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) to commence construction and rehabilitation of the Ulgcwo-Meienne-Urmuecune- Etche and Uliakwo-Ngor-Eziarno-Igirita Roads to ease the difficulties encountered by the inhabitants and other road users;

(ii) mandate the Committees on Works, Federal Roads Maintenance Agency and Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) to ensure compliance; and

(iii) also mandate the Committees on Legislative Compliance to ensure implementation


Hon. Mathew Nwogu moved the motion on the deplorable state of Ulakwo – Imerienwe Umuekwune – Etche and Ulakwo – Umuneke Ngor – Eziama – Igirita road, Rivers state and it was seconded by Hon. David Agada. The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the House committee on Works, Federal Road Maintenance Agency as well as that on Niger Delta Development Commission.

  1. Need to Restrain Commercial Banks from Holding Funds Reversal Beyond the Date Prescribed by the Central Bank of Nigeria:

Hon. Emmanuel Ukpong–Udo:

The House:

Notes that according to the Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System Plc, over One hundred and thirty-three million five hundred thousand Nigerians use banks;

Also notes that the Central Bank of Nigeria released a press release on June 8, 2020, revising timelines for reversals and resolution of refund complaints as follows:

(a) failed “On-Us” ATM transactions (when customers use their cards on their bank’s ATMs) shall be instantly reversed from the current timeline of three (3) days, where instant reversal fails due to any technical issue or system glitch, the timeline for manual reversal shall not exceed 24 hours;

(b) refunds for failed “Not-on-US” ATM transactions (where customers use their cards on other banks’ ATM) shall not exceed 4% hours from the current 3-5 days;

(c) resolution of disputed/ ailed POS or Web transactions shall be concluded within 72 hours from the current five (5) days;

(d) all banks are directed to resolve the backlog of all ATM, POS, and Web customer refunds within two weeks starting June 8, 2020.

Worried that Nigeria’s financial sector is facing serious concerns due to persistent complaints of failed customer transactions, with over 69% of complaints in July 2023 encompassing failed transactions;

Cognizant of the rapid increase in numbers of failed banks and the magnitude of the problem which has reached an unprecedented level;

Alarmed that the high rate of failed bank transactions is causing a decrease in business investments and lending across the country;

Resolves to:

(i) urge the Central Bank of Nigeria to direct banks to work on their systems in mitigating failed transactions and immediately reverse failed transactions without the customer’s prompting;

(ii) also urge the Central Bank of Nigeria to direct banks to reverse customers’ funds within the stipulated periods whether or not the customers lodge complaints;

(iii) mandate the Committees on Banking Regulations, Banking and other Ancillary Institutions, and Digital and Electronic Banking to liaise with the apex bank and Nigeria Interbank Settlement System (NIBSS) to look into the issues and provide solutions.


Hon. Emmanuel Udo moved the motion on the need to restrain commercial banks form holding funds reversal beyond the date prescribed by the Central Bank of Nigeria and it was seconded by Hon. Emeka Idu.

An amendment was proposed to prayer 3 calling for a timeline for the relevant Banking committees of the House to work and report back to the House within 4 weeks.

Hon. Moses Oluwa further proposed an amendment to add an additional prayer to call on the Central Bank to immediately reverse erroneously credited funds to wrong accounts. The motion was voted on, adopted as amended and referred to the House committee on Banking Resolution, Banking as well as that on Regulatory Banking.

  1. Need to Provide Electricity Supply to Kunusha, Igovia and Udoda in Engenni, Ahoada West Local Government Area of Rivers State:

Hon. Victor Obuzor:

The House:

Notes that Kunusha, Igovia and Udoda communities in Ediro- Ede Clan, Engenni District of Ahoada West Local Government Area of Rivers State have never experienced electricity, which is an oddity in the 21st century;

Also notes the Manuso Oil Well, operated by the Nigerian Agip Oil Company and Obaran/Enwe pipeline operated by Shell Nigeria Ltd are key revenue generating assets of the Federal Government derived from the communities;

Cognizant that the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are integrated and as a result, action in one area will affect outcomes in others;

Aware that the provision of electricity in Kunusha, Igovia, and Udoda communities in Ediro- Ede Clan, Engenni District, Ahoada West Local government Area, Rivers State, will significantly impact the area’s social and economic development;

Recalls that the Hon. Member representing Ahoada West/Ogba-Egbema-Ndoni Federal Constituency in the 9th Assembly, along with three paramount rulers, appealed to the Ministry of Power for a basic amenity but despite pleas, the issue persists, breeding high level of insecurity in the area;

Concerned that the government’s critical and non-critical assets in certain areas are being vandalized due to perpetual darkness, which serves as a cover for criminals and non-state actors;

Cognizant that Section 14 (2) (b) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended) states that security and welfare shall be the primary purpose of government and as a result it behooves on the government to provide electricity to the strategic communities;

Resolves to:

(i) urge the Federal Ministry of Power to urgently address the electricity issue in Kunusha, Lgovia, and Udoda communities in the Ediro- Ede Clan, Engenni District, Ahoada West Local Government Area, Rivers State; and

(ii) mandate the Committee on Power to ensure compliance.


Hon. Victor Obuzor moved the motion on the need to provide electricity supply to Kunusha, Igovia and Udoda in Engenni, Ahoada West local government area of Rivers state and it was seconded by Hon. James Faleke who also proposed an amendment to call on the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) to address the issue.

Hon. Victor Obuzor also proposed an amendment to still keep the Ministry of Power through the Rural Electrification Agency to work together with NDDC on the issue. The motion was voted on, adopted as amended and referred to the House committee on Power as well as that on Niger Delta Development Commission.

  1. Rehabilitation and Equipping of Unity Schools Across the Country:

Hon. Ajilesoro Taofeek Abimbola:

The House:

Notes the deplorable states of Unity Schools in the Country despite the financial resources allocated for their maintenance over the years;

Recalls that the establishment of the Schools is to promote unity, academic performance, and quality teaching, regardless of ethnic affiliations, while maintaining a conducive learning environment;

Concerned that the relevant department in the Federal Ministry of Education, the Universal Basic Education (UBEC) and the Management of the Unity Schools are not working in synergy to achieve the vision of the founding fathers of the Federal Unity Collegiate System, thus living the Schools in a dilapidated state;

Worried that the schools are currently faced with the problems of poor funding, recruitment of poor-quality teachers, inadequate and obsolete facilities etc.

Resolves to:

(i) Urge the Federal Ministry of Education to address the poor state of Unity Schools in the country by rehabilitating and equipping all Unity Schools with modern state of arts;

(ii) also urge the Federal Ministry of Education to develop an action plan to improve the physical and educational infrastructure in Unity Schools across the country; and

(iii) mandate the Committee on Basic Education and Services to ascertain the underlying factors that led to the decline of the Unity Schools and propose effective institutional and regulatory measures that will engender a return of the schools to their past glory days.

Motion stepped down by leave of the House.

  1. Need to Rehabilitate Rice Mill, Gboko–Ameladu Road in Benue State:

Hon. Sekav Dzua Iyortyom:

The House:

Notes that the Rice Mill-Gboko-Ameladu road in Benue State, a 11.9km federal road, is a major link connecting Benue to other states in East, Western, and Southern Nigeria;

Aware that along the road is a private university, two major hospitals, a School of Nursing and Midwifery, Laboratory Technology, College of Health Technology, and a Polytechnic;

Also aware road transports agricultural products such as yams, oranges, groundnuts, and cassava from farms and markets to Eastern and neighboring states through different facilities along the route which is in a state of total disrepair;

Resolves to:

(i) urge the Ecological Fund office to remedy the portions along the road by constructing concrete and durable side drains to avert further incursion of erosion;

(ii) also urge the Federal Ministry of Works to make provision for the general maintenance of the Rice Mill-Gboko-Ameladu road in the 2025 budget estimates;

(iii) further urge the Federal Ministry of Power to install and maintain solar powered lights the road to prevent criminal activity; and

(iv) mandate the Committee on Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA) to collaborate with Federal Ministry of Works to ensure the rehabilitation of the Rice Mill-Gboko-Ameladu road to prevent loss of lives and properties;

Motion stepped down by leave of the House

  1. Need to Assess Environmental Impact of Transporting Crude Oil by Mega Seagoing Vessels from Nembe Creek Trunk to Offshore Crude Oil Storage in the Atlantic Ocean by Aiteo E & P:

Hon. Marie Enenimiete Ebikake:

The House:

Notes the acquisition of OML29 from Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) and the takeover of the Nembe Creek Trunk Line by Aiteo E&P in 2016;

Also notes the commencement of the transportation of crude oil using mega seagoing vessels by Aiteo E & P to reduce the distance of crude oil transportation through pipelines and drastically minimize the incidence of crude oil theft;

Aware of the construction of an Oil Tank farm at the Nembe Creek flow station from where crude oil are transported via the St. John/Rio Bento River, through Nembe, Brass, Okpoama and Beletiama, to the offshore crude oil storage facility in the Atlantic Ocean, 27km off the shoreline of the island of Brass;

Worried about the effects of the project on the environment and humans, in terms of shoreline erosion, accidents from collision of operational vessels and the possible loss of lives, massive crude oil spillage that will destroy the ecosystem, damage aquatic life with negative impact on the basic means of livelihood, which is fishing, the deforestation of the mangrove forests and the attendant noise pollution;

Resolves to:

(i) urge the Federal Ministry of Environment to compel the Management of Aiteo E&P to conduct an environmental impact assessment of the project, as dictated by the Environment Impact Assessment Act, 2004, and include the host communities, the State Government and stakeholders, in line with international global practice, subject to scrutiny of the public and environmental experts;

(ii) mandate the Committees on Environment and Petroleum Resources (midstream)to:

(a) investigate Environmental Impact of Transporting Crude Oil by Mega Seagoing Vessels from Nembe Creek Trunk to Offshore Crude Oil Storage in the Atlantic Ocean by Aiteo E & P; and

(b) monitor compliance with the Ministry of Environment and the Management of Aiteo E&P with this requirement, and report back within four (4) weeks for further legislative action.


Hon. Marie Ebikake moved the motion on the need to assess environmental impact of transporting crude oil by mega seagoing vessels from Nembe Creek Trunk to offshore crude oil storage in the Atlantic Ocean by Aiteo E & P and it was seconded by Hon. Ahmed Yusuf. The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the House committee on Environment as well as that on Petroleum Resources (Midstream).

  1. Need to Establish Garri Processing and Storage facility in Otuokpoti, Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa State:

Hon. Mitema Obordor:

The House:

Notes that food is essential to the existence of man and Garri is one of the staple foods in Nigeria that cuts across all tribes and social strata;

Aware that the people of Ogbia Federal Constituency in Bayelsa State are predominantly Cassava farmers, a major raw material in the manufacturing of Garri, Fufu, Cassava Flour, Farina Colloquially referred to as kpokpo garri;

Worried that Farmers face significant losses due to inadequate storage facilities and limited production on small scales, while younger generations are discouraged by the rigorous manual procedures;

Recognizes that establishing a Garri processing and storage facility will reduce waste from cassava farm produce, encourage youth farming, reduce unemployment, boost economic conditions, and address the hunger crisis.

Cognizant that Bayelsa State government plans to upgrade its mini Garri processing facility due to outdated equipment and machinery, and to expand it to accommodate the growing population and neighboring states;

Resolves to:

(i) urge Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Fadama ll to approve the construction of a Garri storage and processing facility to be located in Otuokpoti, Ogbia; and

(ii) mandate Committees on Agricultural Production and Services and legislative Compliance to ensure implementation.


Hon. Mitema Obordor moved the motion on the need to establish garri processing and storage facility in Otuokpoti, Ogbia local government area of Bayelsa state and it was seconded by Hon. James Barka.

Hon. Aguocha proposed an amendment to prayer 2 to include all constituencies nationwide.

Hon. Adewunmi Onanuga wondered why Honorable members cannot establish such processing facilities, the ministry of Agriculture she stated should not be burdened with this as it has more pressing issues. She stated that she established one in a local government in her constituency recently. She further stated that the overburdened federal government should not be further stressed. The motion was voted on, but not adopted.


The House at 13:25 PM adjourned plenary to Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 by 11:00 A.M following a motion for adjournment moved by the Chief Whip of the House, Hon. Bello Kumo and seconded by the Minority Leader, Hon. Kingsley Chinda.

Courtesy: LightRay! Media and Media Unit, Office of the Speaker, House of Representatives.


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