Friday, September 20, 2024
Ignite the mind.

Category: Ignite

LightRay Media holds Mastermind Masterclass for media practitioners in Delta

Since 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 lockdown, LightRay Media began a special Mastermind Masterclass for campus, entry levels and professional media practitioners across Nigeria. Partnering with the Centre for Development and Democracy (CDD), it trained over 50 editors and sub editors on top legacy media in Nigeria. To bridge the training gap often experienced in the Niger Delta, particularly in Delta State, LightRay Media continues to train and mentor information officers, journalists, digital content creators, writers and documentary storytellers with a special 2023 Masterclass Enterprise.

By admin , in Ignite , at April 16, 2023

From Road Sweeper to CEO: The Inspiring Story of Favor Ejokwo’s Journey to the Top

Nigerian youth who refused to japa as a option, are intentionally choosing not to wait for elected and appointed officials to make their Nigerian Dream come true. They are taking the bull by the horn and running with far reaching impact and scale. Driving this narrative and change, is Favor Ejokwo from Delta State, a young enterprising environmental recycling business owner.

By admin , in Ignite , at April 6, 2023

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