Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Ignite the mind.

LightRay 100 Women in Leadership Virtual Summit: Empowering Women in Media

As Nigeria marks its decision to self-rule every October 1st, we at LightRay Media want to recognise and celebrate our Women in Media doing marvellous work behind and in front of the scenes, the impact they make in their role as storytellers of the news, their fight for justice, rights of humans: women, girls, children and men and their right to equity, equality in pay, promotions, opportunities, better welfare and more.

To mark Nigeria’s Decision to break away from the shackles of tyranny, rape and destruction of their cultural fabrics, their right to self rule and the need to push for the true hidden and untold African narratives, LightRay is hosting the first ever 100 Women in Newsrooms and The Media Virtual Leadership Summit coming up this week Friday, October 6th, 2023 as an Ode to also Champion the place of women leadership in the news room and media landscape.

By admin , in Ignite iThink! Super Conscious Woman Series , at October 31, 2023

National Guild of Radio Managers Adopts LightRay! Media’s “100 Women in Media Leadership Policy”

Following the successful virtual summit of the LightRay Media’s 100 Women in Leadership Summit (#100WomeninMediaLeadership), key stakeholders in the Nigeria Media landscape have committed their buy-in and adoption of the policy across their media ecosystem and for the further advancement and positioning of women in leadership across the editorial board as decision makers in news editorial management, programming, gender mainstreaming, professional development and other opportunities.

By admin , in Ignite Inside stories iThink! Super Conscious Woman Series , at October 19, 2023

There is need to review the media framing and story-telling frameworks of gender-based violence

Thandi Bombi, a Rhodes University PhD candidate and AWiM23 Panellist, words mean things. In this piece with her, AWIN explores how media framing and story-telling frameworks of gender-based violence can make the right impact sought.

Bombi, will at the AWIN Conference in Kigali, Rwanda, share an article on media framing and story-telling frameworks of gender-based violence.

Enjoy the read!

By admin , in Ignite iThink! Super Conscious Woman Series , at October 18, 2023

My Media Story: to become a leading woman in media, create a table for yourself and perfect your niche – Jackie Opara-Fatoye

When Jackie Opara-Fatoye was nominated for our LightRay 100 women in Leadership Project, we were thrilled! For us, that spoke a lot about how she has impacted her space. When you listen to her speak, you can tell how passionate a journalist, editor, journalism coach and media communications consultant she is. Her insights and tips for women in media are on target. While she bagged her first degree in Mass Communication from the Madonna University, Okija, Nigeria, she has gone on to study media management at Fray College, South Africa and numerous certificate courses in science journalism, data and solutions journalism. She is a fellow of the United States National Press Foundation, Fellow Association of British Science Writers Diversity Scholar, and the regional deputy editor for SciDev.Net, a science and development media organization in the United Kingdom.

Take a chair, grab a drink and enjoyed this interview ‘meal’ with us.

By admin , in Ignite iThink! Super Conscious Woman Series , at October 17, 2023

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